Anna holding a parrot, communicating with herInterspecies communication is a unique opportunity for learning, clarity and healing. Through direct two-way information exchange, we increase mutual understanding and can work towards resolution of issues in our relationships with other beings. Psychic animal communication is natural; everyone can talk with animals! Most of us have simply forgotten how, but can recall instances from childhood or other times in our lives when we’ve been connected to our intuitive abilities and perceived things in a non-physical manner. We can all remember how to listen and perceive the true nature and essence of an animal’s unique personality and soul. The universal language of telepathy allows us to use our natural intuition and abilities to communicate with other species.






Reconciliació Amb La Mar
Reconciliation with the Sea

Hola! Som PROEM-AID, (Ajuda professional d’emergeències en anglés)

i com a voluntaris rescatam a persones que fugen de les guerres i arrisquen les seves vides al mar.

Des de desembre de 2015, més de 50.000 persones han estat auxiliades per nosaltres en el mar Egeu.

Ways people give away their power

Spread the word.

Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power:

  1. Asking others what they should do.
  2. Thinking God decides who gets what.
  3. Worrying about how their dream will come true.
  4. Thinking they have dues to pay.
  5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes.
  6. Believing in soul mates.
  7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute.
  8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love.
  9. Waiting for everything to be just right before acting.
  10. Choosing to be unhappy.

Understand the truth and you will soar.

Empower yourself and you will realize you are already living your dreams.

Use this list as a basis for discussion in your activist group, community or circle of friends.