
Want to be a Book?

Close up of a girl looking into camera

Do you defy a stereotype? Are you like an open book and do you have valuable experiences that readers could benefit from learning about? Are you motivated to help challenge stigma and stereotypes through dialogue and personal conversations? Then maybe we can publish you to our readers.

We always need more books for our library. We have a network of local organizers and book depots around the world, that not only recycle our books, but also ensure they are well kept in between events.

We can promise that being a book in the Human Library is more than you expect and something you will never forget. It is also an opportunity to meet a lot of people that are different from you and yet you will find you share a lot in common.

Sound interesting and exciting? Then please fill in this application form to the best of your ability. Once processed you will be contacted by either a local Human Library organizer or Book Depot Manager or you will be swept up in our global book pool for storage, until we either go online or reach your area.

Thank you for your time and interest in volunteering with the Human Library.