
What religion would you create?

Well, you think we might be joking but did you know that not only can you chose your own religion, but even create your own one?

What would you consider important to include as values, what symbols would represent it and with whom would you start?

The Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU) and Jediism have been already taken, we hope you do not mind.


The logo of IPU religion

“In 2003 I wanted to create a symbol for atheism and simply put it out there.” 
– Tim Ahrentløv

The Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU) is the goddess of a parody religion used to satirize theistic beliefs, taking the form of a unicorn that is paradoxically both invisible and pink. This makes her a rhetorical illustration used by atheists and other religious skeptics.

Believers often employs the “God did it” explanation whenever some phenomena is left unexplained by science, thus using the lack of evidence as evidence for God. Internet non-believers has been known to dignify such defective reasoning with a “The Invisible Pink Unicorn did it” reply to illustrate the lack of explanatory power.

The symbol was designed to be part logic and part story. The resulting IPU symbol is a fusion between the mathematical void symbol and the stylised representation of an unicorn.

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