
Start a gift economy

The essential idea is that when you have enough of a surplus of something, you give away what you can to friends and neighbors. With everyone practicing this type of exchange, a web of connection is forged. Everyone “owes” everyone else a favor.

In the end, we practice it everyday, at least with your family, partner and closest friends. You help each other out, do some favours here and there. Make a cake, fix the roof, help out with the translation etc.. Well, you could take it to a next level, starting a gift economy in your community.


Gift economics was the basis for exchange practiced by many cultures around the world until the creation of money, even in the West up to the middle ages.

Nobody says it is a perfect system, and money was invented for a good reason, but in can be a good complimentary system to it.

Read about it, and then talk with your friends, family and group and start circling your energies and resources more consciously among each other.



Image from:

Gift economy: a conscious choice

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Gift economy