Pledge to Animals

World Animl Day logo and pledge to animalsI promise to always treat every animal I encounter with respect. I will continue to follow a vegetarian diet and eat as plant-based as possible. I will never stop trying to learn more about animals and raise awareness about their struggles. I will continue to contribute to conservation organizations and share their messages. I will always look for more opportunities to get involved in improving the lives of Earth’s animals!  

Gift economy

The gift economy refers to economic activity characterised by offering services and goods to other members of the community without the expectation of monetary reward. Giving things to other people may be based on pure altruism, a wish to gain status in society, the hope of reciprocal gifts in the future or out of a sense of mutual obligation.
A mind map for gift economy

What are animal rights?

Animal rights means that animals deserve certain kinds of consideration. This is regardless of whether they are endangered, useful to humans, or “cute”. It means recognizing that animals are not ours to use – for food, entertainment, clothing, or experimentation.

As consumers, we have the opportunity to vote with our dollar. This means we should be consciously consuming by supporting brands and companies that are environmentally friendly and animal testing FREE!

Here are a few ways that one can participate in the prevention of animal suffering:


Image of globe full with animals and a text sayin gthat it is their planet too

Reconciliació Amb La Mar
Reconciliation with the Sea

Hola! Som PROEM-AID, (Ajuda professional d’emergeències en anglés)

i com a voluntaris rescatam a persones que fugen de les guerres i arrisquen les seves vides al mar.

Des de desembre de 2015, més de 50.000 persones han estat auxiliades per nosaltres en el mar Egeu.