BeingHuman RightsTools

Human Right Mixer – what do I know about human rights?

 You can use this tool for your own personal reflection or you can use it for a group of learners.

Looking down on ones feet and there are many arrows on the floor








Fill in an answer for as many squares as you can.

table with human rights questions

Some of the most meaningful questions that can be suggested for own personal reflection might be:

What is a human right according to you?

On which human rights issue have you worked so far?

Do you know someone that has different rights from you?

Which human right is most important to you right now?

Can you think of a recent event or action that improved the human rights in your country?

What is the type of human rights violation that most disturb you?

Which human rights are sometimes denied to women in your country? Which human rights are fulfilled in your country that is not always fulfilled in other countries?


What Does It Mean to Be Human?

  1. Write the words “HUMAN” and “RIGHTS” at the top of chart paper or a blackboard. Below the word “human” draw a circle or the outline of a human being.
  2. 2. Ask learners to brainstorm what qualities define a human being and write the words or symbols inside the outline. For example, “intelligence,” “sympathy.”
  1. Next ask learners what they think is needed in order to protect, enhance, and fully develop these qualities of a human being. List their answers outside the circle, and ask participants to explain them. For example, “education,” “friendship,” “loving family.” (Note: Save this list for use in Part B)
  2. Discuss:

What does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from just “being alive” or “surviving”?

Based on this list, what do people need to live in dignity?

  • Are all human beings essentially equal? What is the value of human differences?
  • Can any of our “essential” human qualities be taken from us? For example, only human beings can communicate with complex language; are you human if you lose the power of speech?
  • What happens when a person or government attempts to deprive someone of something that is necessary to human dignity?
  • What would happen if you had to give up one of these human necessities?

More information on this and more material on Human Rights training: