Green suits your city – participatory photography project

Artistic photo of a person fully covered in green fabric is touching a big mirror ball, in some modern city centre

This participatory photography project infuses embodied creativity into the greening of our cities. As part of this exhibit, all are invited to check out a green suit with a leafy sash and submit a photograph of themselves or a friend in some iconic place in their city or any city.










Reconciliació Amb La Mar
Reconciliation with the Sea

Hola! Som PROEM-AID, (Ajuda professional d’emergeències en anglés)

i com a voluntaris rescatam a persones que fugen de les guerres i arrisquen les seves vides al mar.

Des de desembre de 2015, més de 50.000 persones han estat auxiliades per nosaltres en el mar Egeu.