Garbage collection parties

Sure, beach cleaning is fun – you can also collect there, but everyone has cans, plastic bags, cigarette packs, plastic bottles, etc. on their ‘caminos’ and squares right outside the front door, which no one puts away.

Heart shaped cloud, ukrainian colours

Make art, not war

In my home country, not so far off from Russia, there is a tradition, or maybe we can call it a superstition, that the bears come out of their caves on the 1st February to check on the weather situation outside. If they can see their own shadow, they get scared and crawl off for an […]

Smiling very happy girl

Right to be happy

Did you know that we have a right to be happy? Right as in UN fundamental rights. Oh yes!

What is TranZactivism?

Anybody else wake-up in 2017 and say : ¨Wait, what?!!!
No no no, it´s just a nightmare. Or maybe some kind of elaborate hoax.
Oh, I get it. It´s a reality-show gone rogue.¨
And yet… everyday we wake up and… we are still in this reality-show!!!!


R.A.K. stands for Random Act of Kindness. RAKing is like the Jewish idea: mitzvah, which means a good deed or an act of kindness.*

EARTH Fridays Fridays for Future
MALLORCA 14 May Creative Activism Festivalito
Hungary 13-14 May Food for Degrowth in Cenral Europe
Online 20 May Neighbours' Day
EARTH 22 May International Day for Biological Diversity
probando prueba prueba