What if we could re-use everything

As a child, I have always dreamt of not generating garbage, of finding for every object always a new way to use, or a new owner. It seemed too sad to throw things into garbage, and I grew up in an era where my parents told me to not flush the toilet if we just make pee, as it seemed crazy to use so much water just to flush down a little pee.

Interfaith dialogue

The term Interfaith Dialogue’ refers to the positive and cooperative interaction between people of different religions, faiths or spiritual beliefs, with the aim of promoting understanding between different religions to increase acceptance and tolerance.

Various religions leaders standing for a photo at a conference

How to Teach Your Children to Respect Other Religions

Whether you’re an ardent believer of your faith or a freethinker, there isn’t any possibility of stopping your child from meeting people of other religions. Whether you have discussed other religions with your child before or not, teaching your child about other religions and how to respect the faith as well as the people of that faith is one of the most important education you can give your child.


Children hands holding a sun in between