Make art, not war

In my home country, not so far off from Russia, there is a tradition, or maybe we can call it a superstition, that the bears come out of their caves on the 1st February to check on the weather situation outside. If they can see their own shadow, they get scared and crawl off for an extended winter sleep. If it is cloudy, and there is no shadow, they know that spring is near and they can slowly start coming out.


Esfuerzo Positivo
Transformative Action ¨Re-Re-Re¨

La opulencia de una ciudad se mide por el volumen de cosas que cada día se tiran y que ceden su lugar a otras totalmente nuevas.  (more…)

Activism Diversity

There are so many different ways to orient and activate yourself and others.

This guide may help you clarify your level of engagement,

assist in realizing the appropriate group for you or getting ideas for how best to shape your action. (more…)

Acción ¨Las Hierbas, la Abeja y el Herbicida¨

No hay flores malas… (more…)