How to Use this Site

TranZactivism Staff asked 8 years ago
  • Check out our NEWS section for the latest Sparks we have published and for breaking news on any current or upcoming Transformative Action.
  • Check out our WAYS section for any posts that we have generated, co-created or harvested that is related to Transformative Activism. To go deeper into one of the categories of WAYS: Self, Everyday, Group, Cultural or Reflective Activisms, you can go to the Spark sub-menu by clicking on the 3D drawing top-right of the article. It also offers you a word search.
  • Check out our RESOURCE section to find all the information we have collected and created on the various themes and mediums of activism, especially biased towards Transformative Activism.
  • Check out our NETWORK section to contribute, request information, share ideas and create or join local groups of TAO.
  • Use the MENU by clicking on the honeycomb cell that is on the top left of every page, to navigate between the various sections of the site. And also to connect to the site´s social media.