Dancing to transform

I have a life-long performance art project called “the red dress project”. As part of this ongoing series of outdoor interventions all over the world, I dance in sites/landscapes to raise awareness of issues that I believe are important to myself and communities in the places I live and perform.

Woman in red dress dancing with a huge chain hanging from a boat

Write a letter – change a life

your words can change lives text in front of yellow background

Imagine being locked away, alone, not knowing if anyone cares where you are. Now imagine receiving a letter from someone, telling you they believe in you. That’s what real letters can do: bring hope to people in the direst of situations. When letters arrive in huge numbers, they are also an unmistakable reminder to prison authorities and others that the world is watching.

How to topple a dictator

People-powered resistance: can it work?

Srdja Popovic led the nonviolent movement that took down Milosevic in Serbia in 2000; he lays out the plans, skills and tools that a people-powered movement needs — from nonviolent tactics to a sense of humor.